Getting Started
LINEJS is always by your side
Thank you for choosing this library!
npx jsr add @evex/linejs
bunx --bun jsr add @evex/linejs
deno add @evex/linejs
After execution, you should have the library available.
Next, let's create a script that just retrieves your profile!
import { Client } from "@evex/linejs";
const client = new Client();
client.on("pincall", (pincode) => {
console.log(`pincode: ${pincode}`);
client.on("ready", (user) => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${user.displayName} (${user.mid});`);
await client.login({
email: "YOUR_EMAIL",
password: "YOUR_PASSWORD",
}); // (If you're using Node.js, please wrap async IIFE)
First, log in using your email. We will explain each code later.
(LINEJS supports login by AuthToken, QR and Pincode.)
Please enable email login in your settings.
The method of execution depends on the runtime.
node ./index.js
npx tsx ./index.ts
bun run ./index.js
deno run -A ./index.ts
Thereafter, please use what suits you best.
Then, you will see the following output.
pincode: 114514
You will then receive a login request on the LINE app for the account you wish to log in to, and enter the pin code displayed.
By the way, 114514
is Japanese slang. If you don't like it or think it's messy, you can change it by doing the following.
await client.login({
pincode: "810810"
The output will then be as follows.
Logged in as EdamAmex (u********************************)
Now, you have obtained a displayName
and mid
On successful login, ready
is called and the user object is passed.
There you will find your complete profile. Of course, there is another way to get it from the method.
Let's try that next!
This library is still in its infancy!
If you find any bugs or missing parts, please let us know on our server! (Roles will be given to those who suggest bugs and features!)