Utils of LINEJS
LINEJS is not only a self-bot.
From building internal URIs to building OBS, open chat search, regex for picking emid, ticket, and more.
I will explain one by one.
Utils to retrieve images and videos from obs hash.
You can retrieve them as follows
import { LINE_OBS } from "@evex/linejs/utils";
const OBS = new LINE_OBS(); // endpoint is optional
const OBS_IMAGE_URI = OBS.getURI("0hy28TkoGoJh0FLTatCdtZSjt7ezN-Xj8PeFUrfHAvey8pHDUcMEppKXR-eisuFGJObRhheCh6KngqGzY"); // obs hash
const OBS_PROFILE_IAMGE_URI = OBS.getProfileImage("u**********"); // member id (mid)
const OBS_SQUARE_PROFILE_IAMGE_URI = OBS.getSquareMemberImage("p**********"); // square member id (pid)
// and more
All methods can be viewed here
Utils for constructing a scheme URI for LINE
import { LINE_SCHEME } from "@evex/linejs/utils";
const SCHEME = new LINE_SCHEME();
const SCHEME_HOME_URI = SCHEME.getHome();
const SCHEME_PROFILE_POPUP_URI = SCHEME.getProfilePopup("u**********");
// and more
All methods can be viewed here
Utils for extracting tickets and emids from URLs.
import { LINE_REGEX } from "@evex/linejs/utils";
const REGEX = new LINE_REGEX();
console.log(REGEX.getTicket("Square Invitation https://line.me/ti/g2/*************")); // *************
console.log(REGEX.getEmid(".../emid=*************")); // *************
All methods can be viewed here
Utils for connecting to external APIs related to LINE
import Utils from '@evex/linejs/utils';
const squareList = await Utils.LINE_FUNCTIONS.searchSquare("Developer", 100);
if (squareList.error === null) {
const squareInfo = await Utils.LINE_FUNCTIONS.getSquare(squareList.data.squares[0].square.emid, false, {
"x-line-channeltoken": "..."
All methods can be viewed here
The next sections will introduce the various methods.